Northern Long-Eared Bat
(Myotis septentrionalis)

Native to Washington, DC

Conservation Status: Threatened

 Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) 

The Northern Long-Eared Bat, as the name implies, has long ears unlike other species in this genus, and is also more solitary in its roosting and hibernating habits. These bats are strongly associated with large blocks of older forests and they forage along wooded hillsides and ridgelines.

White-nose syndrome disease and human activities including forest habitat destruction and fragmentation, environmental pollution, mining, fracking, wind-energy projects, etc. have all caused the population of this species to plummet by nearly 99% compared to two decades ago (https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/species/mammals/northern_long-eared_bat/index.html). This flying mammal, once common in much of the northeastern half of United States and all Canadian provinces, has been listed under the ESA as a Threatened species since 2015 across its current range in 37 states (https://www.fws.gov/endangered/)


Hay’s spring amphipod

(Stygobromus hayi)

Native to Washington, DC

Conservation Status: Endangered

Hay’s spring amphipod (Stygobromus hayi)

This very small fresh water crustacean resembling a tiny shrimp measures only one centimeter in length. The diet of these crustaceans consists mainly of decaying leaves and other organic debris from the woods around them. They spend most of their life underground, deep in small crevasses and cracks of small freshwater springs. Because they spend their lives in darkness, these amphipods are blind and lack pigment, and “accustomed to being left alone, they’re extremely sensitive to disturbance.”


Nearly all of the District’s original springs have long disappeared due to diversion of rain water, direct piping into sewers, being filled in and paved over with concrete, and any few that exist contaminated trickles. (https://www.fws.gov/endangered/bulletin/2002/01-02/08-09.pdf)

 Consequently, the entire known distribution of this species is now confined to a few springs along Rock Creek. Habitat fragmentation, urban development, and water pollution are the main drivers endangering the Hay’s spring amphipod. This species which is endemic to the capital city was listed as Endangered under the ESA in 1982 and its population has not yet recovered.



  1. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/species-listings-by-state?stateAbbrev=DC&stateName=District%20of%20Columbia&statusCategory=Listed

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